Say 'Oui' to Classic French Citron Pressé!
Citron pressé is a popular, refreshing drink served in cafés throughout France, and is especially refreshing in the heat of summer in Provence.
Translated literally as “pressed (squeezed) lemon,” it’s essentially Handmade French Lemonade at its very finest. Order it in a café and you’ll simply get a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice, a shaker of sugar, a jug of fresh cold drinking water and a bowl of ice cubes. Sprinkle in as much (or little) sugar as you like. Stir the syrup and add the water all the way to the top of the glass...
Et voilà! A super-refreshing drink.
If you fancy having a go at making your own Citron Pressé here are the quantities used in the classic recipe:
(Serves 2)
2 fresh lemons
1 Litre filtered still drinking water
2 tablespoons of fine grain (Caster) sugar
10 Ice cubes
Squeeze the lemon and strain the juice into a glass jug.
Sprinkle in as much sugar as you like, to taste.
Stir in the filtered water and check for your perfect sweetness. Add more sugar if needed.
Drop in a big handful of ice cubes and enjoy!